Headquarter Agreement

Mrs. Abra Afetsé-Tay, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and African Integration and Dr. Folly sign the Headquarter Agreement.

On Wednesday, September 12, 2018, in the Togolese capital of Lomé, Dr. Komi Folly, president of LWDF, met with Mrs. Abra Afetsé-Tay, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and African Integration. Together, they signed a Headquarter Agreement aimed to formalize the installation of LWDF in Togo. This agreement gives LWDF freedom to have volunteers and medical professionals from outside of Togo travel to Togo and serve the people without experiencing administrative difficulties that sometimes happen when applying for a visa to enter the country. LWDF board, staff, and volunteers now have diplomatic status in the country of Togo. This made the Togolese national news, as multiple news outlets were there to record the event.

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